Id like to take this time to say thank you to everybody who has left kind words and messages on my songs. Also thanks for the Awesome raitings. Id like to get back to everybody who has sent a message but because of all the love that has been shown its kinda hard to. So id like to dedicate this post to all of you. Im glad i was able to change some of your minds on the views of Hiphop/Rap music and give you a broader aspect of the Genre. There is so much more to the music than what mainstream has to offer. Please continue to not only check out my music but the other Artists in the Hip hop Portal as well. There are very talented Artists out there with some real Gems! Once again Thanks for all the love. As this year comes to an end i am looking forward to making new tracks and music to come next year. Till then Merry Christmas, and Happy New year! and If you dont celebrate those days thats cool too, Just toast one up for me as I do for you. Celebrate life! W.ild O.ut L.ive F.ree.